[原创]Should I walk away just quietly?
Should I walk away just quietly?You are not satisfied with you boyfriend, when asked when and whever and how did you meet each other, you would avoid my eye contact. You know that you are also avoiding and escaping from the true youself?
Sometimes you give me the feelings that there is not the necessity for his existence around you, which just beng a obstacle in front your happiness and future. In my eyes, you are always such a simple girl when being in love. There was a great opportunity that you just accepted his love(?) without careful consideration one year ago when he confessed his liking to you. I felt upsest and helpless with this situation, in which I always lost myself.
If only you two are being a couple that make others jealous, if only you would take him as a more important person in you hreat, if only you would be afraid of being see when being with him, I would walk away without a word.
The truth is that I cannot feel any happiness in your relationship wth him. Perhaps I am wrong, think that I understand enough but I just misunderstand you.
You make me perplexed again. I do not what action to take as the next step. I am thinking over this issue the whole week about whether I should arcouse you attention in this aspect.
I am considering asking you to think of your future seriously again.
I am thinking that you should reconsider you BF. about the necessity for his existing, about leaving him to find your real happiness.
I find not eager for this in your eyes though, maybe you just do not want to do that, you take it casually and too easily.
Anyway, when comeing to this step, you would just lead you normal life, leaving me a lost and helpless person without his soul.
It is in English, if you can understand it, you can make comments.
If not, it is also OK. (:) 冷暖自知, 感情的事, 旁人无法判断的.
你也无法衡量她的快乐与悲伤. 嗯,你说得对,她的快乐与悲伤我的确不能衡量···
我看自己是真的喜欢上她;现在却不知道该怎么做,很迷茫~ 说不好啊
祝你幸福吧 我的幸福总是尽在眼前,却远在天边~
等字,唯有一个等字? 我觉得吧
有时候, 越努力追寻幸福, 反而更加迷茫.
放松自己的心态, 不要过于强求.
随遇而安(:) “随遇而安”··
尽管我只能远远的看着··· :::)))) 你也别老看她啊