[12.31]谁把情歌唱的依然动听I`ll Miss You
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<P><SPAN style="COLOR: #ffcc99">now it's time to say goodbye 是该说再见的时候了<BR>I'll fly away tonight 今晚就要起程 <BR>I promise 我发誓<BR>I won't let her cry 不让你哭泣 <BR>I'll miss you 我会想你<BR>can it be possibl 就想知道<BR>to be away from you 能否离你而去 <BR>you know 你要知道 <BR>for me you mean so much 你对我意味着什么 <BR>without you, 没有你的生活<BR>life is just an ever ending emptiness 只是永远的虚空<BR>I'll miss you 我会想你<BR>can it be possible 就想知道<BR>to be away from you 能否离你而去 <BR>time time to say goodbye 是该说再见的时候了<BR>I'll fly away tonight 今晚就要起程</SPAN></P>
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<P><BR>I'll miss you 我会想你<BR>to live without you 与你分开<BR>is as difficult as to live together 和与你在一起同样艰难<BR>life can be so hard sometimes 没想到会这样<BR>but, I don't know what to do 真不知路在何方<BR>but there is one thing 但有一件事<BR>I know for sure 我心里明白<BR>our destinies are left forever 我们的缘分已尽 <BR>we'll meet again one day 也许有一天还会相见<BR>we'll start again tomorrow 我们再从头来过<BR>but untill then 我知道<BR>I know for sure 我会思念你<BR>I'll miss you 直到那天的到来<BR>It'll be love again 当爱回来的时候<BR>nothing would ever chang 一切都如从前 <BR>time time to say goodbye 是该说再见的时候了<BR>I'll fly away tonight 今晚就要起程<BR>I'll miss you 我会想你</SPAN></P></MARQUEE></EMBED></P></MARQUEE>
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[ 本帖最后由 果子的阿三 于 2007-12-31 14:45 编辑 ] 经典老歌,再次回味,感谢分享~ (:) 超级喜欢这首歌,特别是开篇的那段旋律太棒了。。 啊,那飘飘然的感觉。 阿三,你的歌詞,會不會勭得太快了一點呢?