[01.16]Eminem—sing for the moment
<STRONG>http://www.raproute.com/music/Eminem%20-%20The%20Eminem%20Show%20(2002)/Eminem%20-%20(12)%20Sing%20For%20The%20Moment.mp3<BR><BR></STRONG><TABLE style="LINE-HEIGHT: 15pt" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
<TD><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 12px"> 听HIPHOP和R&B有一段时间了,杂七杂八的也听了不少。最近一直在干一件事,就是把以前听过的经典曲目都拿出来好好研究一下歌词,再重新欣赏一遍(以前听歌时从来不看歌词的```)。个人认为有很大的收获,首先是觉得之前对HIPHOP的欣赏很肤浅。研究完歌词后便发现自己更容易进入歌曲的意境,更能和RAPPER产生共鸣,觉得自己进入了和之前完全不同的音乐境界```还有一点收获就是英语水平有了些提高^0^....<BR> 今天要推荐的是EMINEM的Sing For The Moment。欧美前线版块有一条版规:不可以推荐泛滥曲目,如Don't cry等。这么看来我这个帖子也应该算违反版规了....不过我觉得就算是泛滥歌曲,也会有人对它有新的理解,新的认识。所以我个人非常赞赏那些有自己独到见解,体现出独特个性的推荐贴....<BR> <BR> <A href="http://mingxing.dabaoku.com/oumeinan/eminem/html/050bx.htm" target=_top><IMG src="http://mingxing.dabaoku.com/oumeinan/eminem/050bx.jpg" align=top border=0></A><BR><BR>These ideas are nightmares for white parents<BR>Whose worst fear is a child with dyed hair and who likes earrings<BR>Like whatever they say has no bearing<BR>Its so scary in a house that allows no swearing<BR>To see him walking around with his headphones blaring<BR>Alone in his own zone, cold and he dont care<BR>He's a problem child, what bothers him all comes out<BR>When he talks about his ****in' dad walkin out<BR>Cos he hates him so bad that he blocks him out<BR>But if he ever saw him again, he'd prolly knock him out<BR>His thoughts are whacked, he's mad so he's talkin' back<BR>Talkin black, brainwashed from rock and rap<BR>He sags his pants, 2 rags and a stocking cap<BR>His step-father hit him so he socked him back<BR>And broke his nose, this house is a broken home<BR><FONT color=brown>There's no control, he just lets his emotions go<BR>(很冷的感觉,很心酸,也很心痛)</FONT><BR>Come on... <BR><BR>Sing with me, sing for the year<BR>Sing for the laughter, sing for the tear<BR>Sing with me,just for today<BR>Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away <BR>Eminem<BR><BR>Entertainment is danger, intertwine it with gansters<BR>In the land of the killers, a sinner's mind is a sanctum<BR>Only you're unholy, only have one homey<BR>Only this gun, lonely, cuz don't anyone know me<BR>But everybody just feels like they can relate<BR>I guess words are a mother****er, they can be great<BR>Or they can be great, or even worse, they can teach hate<BR>Its like kids hang on every single statement we make<BR>Like they worship us, plus all the stores ship us platinum<BR>Now how the **** did this metamorphasis happen?<BR>From standin' on corners and porches just rappin'<BR>To havin' a fortune, no more kissin' ass<BR>But then these critics crucify you, journalists try to burn you<BR>Fans turn on you, attorney's all gonna turn it to<BR>To get their hands on every dime you have<BR>They want you to lose your mind every time you mad<BR>So they can try to make you out to look like a loose canon<BR>You need to spew, dont hesitate to produce air-guns<BR>Thats why these prosecutors wanna convict me<BR>Swiftly just to get me offa these streets quickly<BR>But all their kids been listen'n to me religiously<BR>So i'm signing cds while police fingerprint me<BR>They're for the judges daughter, but his grudge is against me<BR><FONT color=brown>If i'm such a ****in' menace, this shit doesnt make sense, Pete<BR>It's all political, if my music is literal and i'm a criminal,<BR>How the **** can i raise a little girl?<BR>I couldn't. i wouldn't be fit to<BR>You're full of shit too, Guerrera, that was a fist that hit you!<BR>(愤怒的Eminem!) </FONT><BR><BR><FONT color=brown>They say music can alter moods and talk to you<BR>But can it load a gun for you and cock it too?<BR>Well if it can, then the next time you assault a dude<BR>Just tell the judge it was my fault, and i'll get sued<BR>(Eminem很精彩的辩驳)</FONT><BR>See what these kids do, is hear about us toting pistols<BR>And they want to get one, cos they think the shit's cool<BR>Not knowin' we're really just protectin' ourselves<BR>We're entertainers, of course this shit's affecting our sales<BR>You ignoramus. but music is reflection of self<BR>We just explain it, and then we get our cheques in the mail<BR>It's ****ed up ain't it, how we can come from practically nothin'<BR>To bein' able to have any ****in' thing that we wanted<BR>It's why we sing for these kids that don't have a thing<BR>Except for a dream and a ****ing rap magazine<BR>Who post pinup pictures on their walls all day long<BR>Idolise their favourite rappers and know all they songs<BR>Or for anyone who's ever been through shit in they lives<BR>So they sit and they cry at night, wishing they die<BR>Till they throw on a rap record, and they sit and they vibe<BR>We're nothing to you, but we're the ****in' shit in their eyes<BR><FONT color=brown>That's why we sieze the moment, and try to freeze it and own it<BR>Squeeze it and hold it, 'cos we consider these minutes golden<BR>And maybe they'll admit it when we're gone<BR>Just let our spirits live on, through out lyrics that you hear in our songs<BR>(一股感动和豪迈的情感喷发而出)</FONT><BR>And we can <BR><BR><BR></SPAN></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>