<P> </P><P>今晚好像要迎接财神,财神歌。。。我是没有。。。</P>
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<P>发这首歌,Emotional 没有仔细听,不过凭感觉应该不错吧</P>
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<P align=center><FONT face=楷体_GB2312 color=magenta size=5>鼠年吉祥!恭喜发财!<BR>2008好运不断!</FONT><FONT face=楷体_GB2312 color=magenta size=5><BR></P></FONT>
<P align=center><IMG src="http://bbs.muwen.com/fileuploaddir/4b2645943.7.gif"></P>
<P align=center>http://wwww.hxen.com/music/200802/20080210.mp3 </P>
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<P align=center><FONT size=5><FONT color=red>Emotiona</FONT><FONT color=red>l </FONT></FONT></P>
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<P align=center> <FONT color=navy>歌手: American Juniors</FONT></P>
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<P align=center><FONT color=magenta size=3><BR>I don't need a heartache<BR>And crushes can be so fake<BR>But sooner than you know it<BR>They turn your world around</FONT></P>
<P align=center><FONT color=magenta size=3><BR>So you might think I'm crazy<BR>Oh baby you amaze me<BR>And I want you promise<BR>You'll never let me down</FONT></P>
<P align=center><FONT color=magenta size=3><BR>I, I wanna fall in love<BR>You're everything that makes me get emotional<BR>Oh, I don't want to kiss and run<BR>Cause in my heart I know that you're the one</FONT></P>
<P align=center><FONT color=magenta size=3><BR>Kind of like your sweet talk<BR>And that could make a good start<BR>But if you wanna move me<BR>Play it straight with my heart</FONT></P>
<P align=center><FONT color=magenta size=3></FONT></P>
<P align=center><FONT color=magenta size=3><BR>I think of you and me<BR>Are truly meant to be<BR>Cause I've been waiting for a star to fall<BR>I wish there's someone true<BR>And when I look at you <BR>I get emotional</FONT></P>
<P align=center><FONT color=magenta size=3> So emotional</FONT></P>
<P align=center><FONT color=magenta size=3> Ohhh emotional <BR>So emotional </FONT></P>
<P align=center><FONT color=magenta size=3></FONT></P>
<P align=center><FONT color=magenta size=3><BR>Cause in my heart I know that you're the one</FONT></P>
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<P align=center><IMG src="http://bbs.muwen.com/fileuploaddir/4b2645943.7.gif"></P>
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<P><FONT color=orange>介绍: American Juniors,一个由类似“美国偶像”的节目选拔出来的19人之多的庞大少年团体.他们的幕后推手就是大名顶顶的 Simon Fuller!American Juniors无论选拔形式还是组合样式都有些类似英国的S Club 8.男女交叉而且都是年纪非常小的少年!American Juniors是从报名参赛的2000名少年中脱颖而出的,经过层层投票筛选,最后制定而成。如今组合以不复存在,留在我们记忆中的依然是那几张可爱的笑脸和他们充满青春活力的歌声!这首个节奏轻快,加上完美的和声,听这首歌的时候总会给人一个好心情!</FONT><FONT color=orange><BR></P>
<P align=center><IMG src="http://bbsimg.qianlong.com/upload/01/08/29/68/1082968_1134200988703.gif"></FONT></P>
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<P align=center><A href="http://wwww.hxen.com/music/200802/20080210.mp3" target=_blank><FONT color=blue>要下载点击</FONT></A></P>
[ 本帖最后由 mp40mp5 于 2008-2-10 22:08 编辑 ] 呵呵,听了几遍就出味道了55~~
外面虽然吵。。。但是歌声的影响力已经远大于噪音了。。。 听起来更象女声合唱65~~ 小孩子的声音~ 后面很不错 就是前面重复的有点烦了 音调都不变一点的