[02.14]Cagnet ---Hear my cry
<P>很宁静很感人的一首歌<IMG alt="" src="http://www.xyhc.com/images/smilies/55.gif" border=0 smilieid="250"> </P>
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<P align=center><IMG src="http://www.eztg.com/toad/others/11884797049893800.jpg"></P>
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<P><EMBED src=http://www.ccsn.cn/fla/mp3/hearmecry.mp3 width=0 height=0 type=audio/mpeg autostart="1" showstatusbar="0" loop="true"></P>
<P align=center><FONT size=5><FONT face=楷体_GB2312>Hear my cry</FONT> </FONT><BR><FONT size=4>歌手:Cagnet 专辑:Love Generation</FONT> <BR><FONT color=blue size=3>You couldn't say <BR>needed someone new <BR>You actually thought <BR>deep inside I knew <BR>Can you tell me how can you say <BR>Why this should suffice <BR>You passed me by <BR>and your heart as cold as ice (You passed me by) <BR>Did you see me cry (Did you ask yourself why) <BR>Did you see me cry (Did you ask yourself how) <BR>Can you hear me cry (Did you ask yourself) <BR>Will we ever grew apart <BR>You, you couldn't say <BR>needed someone new <BR>and you actually thought <BR>deep inside I knew <BR>I wonder where we will go <BR>Will we be the same (You passed me by) <BR>I laugh inside I think of you <BR>and the love we made (You passed me by) <BR><BR>Tell me why this should suffice <BR>I hold you through the night <BR>Now will I let it go <BR>Soon I'll let it go <BR>Can you hear me cry (Will you ask yourself why) <BR>Can you hear me cry (Will you ask yourself how) <BR>Can you hear me cry (Will you ask yourself) <BR>Will we ever grow apart <BR>You, I'll stand by your side <BR>I'll be there for you (You passed me by) <BR>You, I'll stand by your side <BR>Please just do me right (You passed me by) <BR>You, I'll stand by your side <BR>I'll be there for you</FONT> </P>
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<P align=center><BR><FONT color=red size=4>歌曲:hear my cry <BR>歌手:natalie burks</FONT> <BR><BR><BR><FONT color=blue><FONT size=3><FONT face=楷体_GB2312>你不能说出 <BR>你需要别的人 <BR>你正在深思 <BR>实际上我知道 <BR>你只要告诉我你怎么解释 <BR>为什么会这样 <BR>你从我身边走过 <BR>你的心冷如冰(你从我身边走过) <BR>你看见我哭泣吗?(你问过自己原因吗?) <BR>你看见我哭泣吗?(你问过自己为什么会这样吗?) <BR>你能听见我哭泣吗?(你质问过自己吗?) <BR>我们会不会永远分离? <BR>你不能说出 <BR>你需要别的人 <BR>你正在深思 <BR>实际上我知道 <BR>我想知道我们的未来 <BR>我们还会不会象以前一样?(你从我身边走过) <BR>我会心微笑,我在想你. <BR>想着我们曾经拥有过的爱(你从我身边走过) <BR><BR>告诉我为什么,我只要这样就足够了 <BR>我想能整夜拥着你入眠 <BR>现在需要我放弃吗? <BR>我会即刻就放手! <BR>你能听见我哭泣吗?(你问过自己原因吗?) <BR>你能听见我哭泣吗?(你会问过自己为什么会这样吗?) <BR>你能听见我哭泣吗?(你会质问自己吗?) <BR>我们会不会永远分离? <BR>我将会在你身旁 <BR>我会在那为你守侯(你从我身边走过) <BR>我将会在你身旁 <BR>只要你给我权利(你从我身边走过) <BR>我将会在你身旁 <BR>我会在那为你守侯</FONT></FONT></FONT></P>
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<P align=center><FONT color=blue><FONT size=3><FONT face=楷体_GB2312></CA></FONT></FONT></FONT></P>
<P align=center></EMBED><A href="http://www.ccsn.cn/fla/mp3/hearmecry.mp3" target=_blank><FONT color=red>直接点击下载</FONT></A></P>
<P>他们96年以<悠长假期>电视原声带而在日本音乐界声名大噪、备受瞩目的首席日剧配乐乐团“CAGNET”,由名制作人日向大介、成员meo、Phil Sista、Space Junkies所组成,其中日向大介与兄弟日向敏文号称日本双头配单大师,创造出无数脍炙人口的畅销作品。连<恋爱世代>的女主角松隆子,其唱片便由日向大介所制作。 </P><P> </P>
<P>CAGNET的成员 <BR>日向大介 <BR>日向大介为CAGNET的领队及音乐制作人,曾入围葛莱美奖的日向大介曾经和日向敏文、小室哲哉搭档担任过电视节目、电影原声带的制作,有不少脍炙人口的畅销代表作品,他还担任日剧“恋爱世代”女主角松隆子的唱片制作人,为她在唱片市场上打下稳固的人气基础。日向大介目前定居于洛杉矶,并拥有自己专属的录音室。 <BR><BR>MEO <BR>从小就开始学芭蕾的MEO,十五岁加入了“南青山少女歌剧团”,十六岁即登上了担纲主演的女主角地位,在社团十分的活跃。该关键字已经被屏蔽后,MEO接受各种演艺相关训练,并以单飞成为一位出色的专业歌手为努力的目标。透过一卷试唱带,MEO的歌唱实力为日向大介所发掘,因而安排她演唱了“恋爱世代”的插曲,现年才二十岁的MEO,将是非常值得期待的实力派巨星接班人! <BR><BR>Space Junkies <BR>这是由曾经为娃娃脸、LL COOL J等知名组合的唱片担任混音而广为人知的Craig Williams与日向大介所组成的新团体,他们曾为globe的畅销单曲(Wanderin' Destiny)负责混音的制作。 <BR><BR>Phil Sista <BR>由Kaoru和Hana这两位年轻的女孩子所组成,两人都十分地热爱跳舞,原本她们是各自组团跳舞,后来因为偶然发现彼此的家住得很近,才因而拉近了两人的距离,她们担任跳舞与和音的部分,外形十分亮丽可爱的Phil Sista,今后的发展也备受瞩目.</P>
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<P>1.Sena's Piano II-濑名的钢琴 <BR>2.How Life Can Be So Sweet-甜蜜人生 <BR>3.Long Vacation-长假 <BR>4.Hear Me Cry-听到我哭泣 <BR>5.Silent Emotion-静谧的情感 <BR>6.Tiny Tale-小故事 <BR>7.Close To Me-靠近我 <BR>8.Pacific Shore Hotel-太平洋饭店 <BR>9.True True Guitar Vision-真实的吉他 <BR>10.True To Your Heart-对你真诚 <BR>11.Another Round-另一轮 <BR>12.What Will I Do-我会作什么 <BR>13.Clack-sion-汽车喇叭 <BR>14.Deeper And Deeper-渐渐深刻 <BR>15.Missing Each Other-彼此想念 <BR>16.Here We Are Again-再聚首 <BR>17.Minami-小南之歌</P>
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<P>2、《Thereafter (演奏)》(选自《喜剧之王》 《喜剧之王》中三首经典配乐之一)</P>
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<P>3、《silent emotion》(选自《悠长假期》)</P>
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<P>5、《Missing Each Other》(选自《悠长假期》)</P>
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<P>6、《On And On (Instrumental)(选自《悠长假期》)</P>
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<P>7.<Here We Are Again>(选自《悠长假期》)</P>
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<P>8、《Sometime Ago》(选自《恋爱世纪》)</P>
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<P>9、《Minami_Piano Piece of Sena》(选自《悠长假期》)</P>
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<P>10、《True True (Piano Version)》演唱:松隆子(选自《恋爱世纪》日向大介不仅是一位优秀的配乐家,同时也是一位有名的音乐制作人。这首是他和松隆子的经典之作</P>
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<P>11<La La La Love Song>选自<悠长假期></P>
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<P>12<What Will I Do>选自<悠长假期></P>
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<P>13<Deeper and Deeper>选自<悠长假期></P>
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<P>14<Hear Me Cry>选自<悠长假期></P>
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<P>http://www.olog.cn/uploadfiles/artuploadfiles/20071211005429609.wma<24-7>喜剧之王 </P>
<P>http://www.ouman.net.cn/dada/data/0/3_st/13421.wma<What Will I Do>悠长假期 </P>
<P><IMG onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this)" onmouseover="attachimg(this, 'mouseover')" onclick="attachimg(this, 'click', 'http://img2.mtime.com/mg/2008/2/6de8cfac-05c0-46b0-bfc6-6d85e3477261.jpg')" alt="" src="http://img2.mtime.com/mg/2008/2/6de8cfac-05c0-46b0-bfc6-6d85e3477261.jpg" onload="attachimg(this, 'load', 'Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out')" border=0></P>
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[ 本帖最后由 逝去的时光 于 2008-2-14 12:52 编辑 ] LS的补充很完整啊~ 原来是这首歌...我也很喜欢...06~~ 这么乱也能整理出来。。。
谢谢阿55~~ 06~~ 为什么没有播放器也有歌听呢 <P>原帖由 <I>blueskyhw</I> 于 2008-2-14 00:58 发表 <A href="http://bbs.xyhc.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=859048255&ptid=854756" target=_blank><IMG onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open(this.src);}" alt="" src="http://bbs.xyhc.com/images/common/back.gif" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" border=0></A> <IMG alt="" src="images/smilies/06.gif" border=0 smilieid="190"> 为什么没有播放器也有歌听呢 </P>
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