shijie1126 发表于 2008-3-1 13:07:32

[03.01]王治平的女儿王若琳《Let's Start From Here》

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<P align=center><IMG onmouseover="javascript:if(this.width>520)this.width=520;" style="CURSOR: hand"; src="" width=520 onload="javascript:if(this.width>520)this.width=520;" align=absMiddle border=0><IMG onmouseover="javascript:if(this.width>520)this.width=520;" style="CURSOR: hand"; src="" width=520 onload="javascript:if(this.width>520)this.width=520;" align=absMiddle border=0><BR>午后的一杯黑咖啡,入夜的一杯红酒 <BR>她的声音,带点慵懒,却又带点刺激性 <BR>在舒缓的阳光或夜色中,骚动你心灵深处, <BR>那连你自己都许久未曾触及的热烈情感。 <BR>西洋的诺拉琼斯,日本的小野丽莎,台湾的Joanna <BR>继张悬之后,再度向你推荐一个充满灵魂的好声音…Joanna Wang王若琳 <BR>Joanna Wang今年才19岁,是台湾著名音乐制作人王治平的女儿 。<BR>生日:8/1/1988 <BR>星座/血型:狮子座/O型 <BR>身高/体重:167cm/52kg <BR>学历:高中毕业 <BR>家中成员:父母 两个妹妹 <BR>喜欢的:自我嘲讽的幽默/被虐/虐待狂倾向/好玩的RPG游戏/钱/罗曼史 <BR>讨厌的:无知/为了金钱而愚笨自私的人/被误会/被歧视/踩到蟑螂/痰<BR><BR>有勇气出一张中英文的唱片是需要很大勇气的,听到她的声音就知道这是一位胸有成竹的歌手。<BR>  <BR>  在流行曲调里加入jazz元素已经不是什么新鲜事,在一片翻唱成疯的时候英文原创性实属难得,更为可贵在于声音的慵懒而感性,温暖似这大冬日里若有若无的阳光。让人赖在沙发上不愿起来。<BR>  <BR>  如果真要拉上norah jones,那么相同的是同样暖色调的声线,不同的是norah jones在甩出中高音时的亮丽,joanna则是用软软的气声太极般自然而去。如果要拉上小野丽莎,实在没有理由,bossa nova在专辑里没有承上启下的影子。<BR>  <BR>  第一次听到joanna的声音就被吸引,有蔡健雅的嗓音醇厚,特别是主打歌Let’s Start From Here ,曲调怎么听都有蔡的影子,当然joanna的声音要温婉许多。<BR>  《TRUE》给我印象更为深刻,沉厚的鼓点,柔和的吉他抚弦,清脆的钢琴,开场就是一段绚丽的配称,joanna沉着沙沙的声音缓缓登场,营造了一份夜色下小酒馆的悠悠情调,中段的萨克斯sola更是这首歌的神来之笔。<BR>  <BR>  五首歌基本是英文歌的中文填词,当然中文的唱词亦同样精彩,只是这英文歌过半的专辑如果换成了中文会不会让听众更多?<BR>  <BR>  突然之间为华语乐坛仍旧有人为了唱歌而唱歌,纯粹得让人有些许感动。如果非要鸡蛋里挑骨头,几首歌里的编曲匠气十足,幸好有了《TRUE》《Let’s Start From Here》这样的歌压阵。<BR>  <BR>  其实,无须攀比norah jones,也不须较劲小野丽莎,你是中国的王若琳。<BR> <BR>下载地址:<A href="" target=_blank><FONT color=#800080></FONT></A><BR><FONT color=red>Let's Start From Here--王若琳</FONT><BR><FONT color=blue>giving up, why should I <BR>we've come to far to forget <BR>we're beautiful, we just got lost <BR>somewhere along the way <BR>so much was missing when you went away <BR>Let's start from here, lose the past <BR>change our minds, we don't need a finish line <BR>let's take this chance not think too deep <BR>of all those promises we couldn't seem to keep <BR>I don't care where we go <BR>Let's start from here <BR>standing here face to face <BR>a finger on your lips <BR>don't say a word don't make a sound <BR>silence surrounds us now <BR>even when you were gone I felt you everywhere <BR>Let's start from here, lose the past <BR>change our minds, we don't need a finish line <BR>let's take this chance not think too deep <BR>of all those promises we couldn't seem to keep <BR>I don't care where we go <BR>Let's start from here <BR>Let's start from here <BR>I've never been the one to open up <BR>but you've always been the voive within <BR>the only warmth from my cold heart <BR>Let's start from here, lose the past <BR>change our minds, we don't need a finish line <BR>let's take this chance not think too deep <BR>of all those promises <BR>Let's start from here, lose the past <BR>change our minds <BR>we don't need a finish line <BR>let's take this chance not think too deep <BR>of all those promises we couldn't seem to keep <BR>I don't care where we go <BR>Let's start from here <BR>Let's start from here <BR>Let's start from here <BR>Let's start from here</FONT></P></FONT>
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