Zoe 发表于 2008-4-1 20:26:09

[04.01]I have never been to me

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<P align=center><FONT face=Verdana color=#dddddd>I've never been to me 迷失的自我<BR>Hey lady, you, lady, cursing at your life 嗨!女士,詛咒著自己一生的女士<BR>You're a discontented mother and a rich inventive wife 妳是個不滿現狀的母親,也是個有創意的妻子<BR>I've no doubt you dream about the things you'll never do 對妳所夢想的事,我並不懷疑<BR>But I wish someone had talked to me 但我希望能有人來找我談心<BR>like I wanna talk to you 像我找妳談心一樣<BR>I've been to Georgia and California, 我曾到過喬治亞州和加州<BR>anywhere I could run 和任何我想去的地方<BR>Took the hand of a preacherman 牽著傳教士的手<BR>and we made love in the sun 在陽光下做愛<BR>But I ran out of places and friendly faces 我走遍各地,看盡友善的臉孔<BR>Because I had to be free 只因我想要自由<BR>I've been to paradise, but I've never been to me 我曾到過天堂,但從來不曾屬於自己<BR>Please lady, please, lady, don't just walk away 求求妳,女士,別走開<BR>Cause I have this need to tell you why I'm all alone today因為我必須告訴妳,為何我現在孓然一身<BR>I can see so much of me still living in your eyes 在妳眼裡可以看到許多的我<BR>Won't you share a part of a weary heart 何不讓我分擔妳那脆弱的心<BR>that has lived a million lies 雖然妳活在千萬個謊言中<BR>I've been to Nice and the isle of Greece 我到過尼斯,到過希臘群島<BR>While I sipped champagne on a yacht 駕著裝滿香檳的遊艇<BR>I moved like Harlow in Monte Carlo 在蒙地卡羅四處遊盪<BR>and showed 'em what I've got 展示我的斬獲<BR>I've been undressed by kings 我曾在國王面前寬衣解帶<BR>And I've seen some things that a woman ain't supposed to see  也曾看過一些女人不該看到的事物<BR>I've been to paradise 我曾到過天堂<BR>But I've never been to me 但從來不曾屬於自己<BR>(spoken)<BR>Hey, you know what paradise is? It's a lie. 嘿,妳曉得什麼是天堂嗎?那是個謊言<BR>A fantasy we create about people and places as we'd like them to be 那是我們對人、事、地的憧憬所編造出來的幻想<BR>But you know what truth is? 妳知道什麼是真理嗎?<BR>It's that little baby you're holding, 那是妳懷中抱著的嬰兒<BR>And it's that man you fought with this morning, 那是今天早上和妳共同奮鬥<BR>the same one you're going to make love with tonight 晚上一同做愛的男人<BR>That's truth, that's love 那就是真理,那就是愛<BR>Sometimes I've been to crying for unborn children 有時候我會為未出世的孩子哭泣<BR>that might have made me complete 也許那會使我的生命更完整<BR>But I, I took the sweet life 但我選擇了優渥的生活<BR>And never knew I'd be bitter from the sweet從此不再明白痛苦是什麼<BR>I spent my life exploring the subtle whoring 我已花了一生去探索<BR>that cost too much to be free 為自由付出太多代價<BR>Hey lady, I've been to paradise 女士,我曾到過天堂<BR>But I've never been to me 但從不曾屬於自己......</FONT></P></MARQUEE></DIV>
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[ 本帖最后由 谛听 于 2008-4-1 20:33 编辑 ]

mp40mp5 发表于 2008-4-1 20:28:19


Zoe 发表于 2008-4-1 20:34:46

64~~ 重新编辑了

箫子若 发表于 2008-4-1 20:35:44

送给我的?62~~ 62~~

Zoe 发表于 2008-4-1 20:37:25

57~~ 表自作多情

箫子若 发表于 2008-4-1 20:38:20

我伤心了71~~ 71~~

mp40mp5 发表于 2008-4-1 20:38:30


箫子若 发表于 2008-4-1 20:40:24

我还是么听到01~~ 01~~

箫子若 发表于 2008-4-1 20:40:33


mp40mp5 发表于 2008-4-1 20:42:36

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