[06.08]节日到来 顺..没别的送大家 能做的只有这么多 爆送好歌
<P>Rihanna - take a bow</P><P> </P>
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<P align=center>本周的英国流行<SPAN class=t_tag onclick=tagshow(event) href="tag.php?name=%D2%F4%C0%D6">音乐</SPAN>单曲榜中,</P>
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<P align=center>上周冠军、来自巴巴多斯的当红流行女歌手蕾哈娜(<SPAN class=keyword><SPAN class=sl_css_ads>Rihanna</SPAN></SPAN><!--wapdump end-->)的单曲《Take A Bow》成功蝉联桂冠。</P>
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<P align=center>北美年轻的R&B/Soul女歌手Rihanna,1987年出生于加勒比海的小岛Barbados。</P>
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<P align=center>年幼时的她就在一些场合表演以娱乐家乡大众。她的出道颇具传奇色彩,</P>
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<P align=center>传说适逢纽约著名音乐制作人Evan Rogers和妻子在Barbados小岛上度假,</P>
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<P align=center>Rihanna的朋友把她介绍给Evan Rogers,听完Rihanna的声音后,</P>
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<P align=center>Evan立即就被Rihanna的演唱天赋所震惊,马上给她录制样片寄给各大唱片公司,</P>
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<P align=center>最后,Rihanna签至Def Jam唱片公司旗下,</P>
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<P align=center>并推出第一首成绩很不错的单曲“Pon de Replay”。</P>
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<P align=center>而她的首张<SPAN class=t_tag onclick=tagshow(event) href="tag.php?name=%D7%A8%BC%AD">专辑</SPAN>Music of the Sun也于2005年8月30日上市。<BR><BR>很多人会把Rihanna归为传统的dancehall歌手,</P>
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<P align=center>但其实Rihanna的音乐是dancehall和reggae的混合,并带有一些清新的R&B曲风。 </P><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
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<P align=center><IMG src="http://i1.sinaimg.cn/ent/y/2008-05-24/U2223P28T3D2036082F326DT20080524220544.jpg" border=0></P>
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<P align=center><EMBED src=http://www.8box.cn/feed/000000_s_165917_1/mini.swf width=160 height=32 type=application/x-shockwave-flash wmode="transparent"></EMBED></P>
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<P align=center>mv</P>
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<P align=center><BR><A title="Rihanna Lyrics" href="http://www.metrolyrics.com/rihanna-lyrics.html"><FONT color=black>Lyrics</FONT></A></P>
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<P align=center>How bout a round of applause? <BR>Standin ovation... <BR>Ooooh <BR>Yeah yeah yeah yeah <BR><BR>You look so dumb right now <BR>Standin' outside my house <BR>Tryin' to apologize <BR>You're so ugly when you cry <BR>(Please) <BR>Just cut it out <BR><BR>Don't tell me you're sorry cuz you're not <BR>Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught <BR><BR>But you put on quite a show <BR>You really had me goin' <BR>But now it's time to go <BR>Curtains finally closin' <BR>That was quite a show <BR>Very entertainin' <BR>But it's over now <BR>Go on and take a bow <BR><BR>Grab your clothes and get gone <BR>(You better hurry up) <BR>Before the sprinklers come on <BR>Talkin' bout "Girl, I love you you're the one..." <BR>This just looks like a re-run <BR>(Please) <BR>What else is on? <BR><BR>And don't tell me you're sorry cuz you're not <BR>Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught <BR><BR>But you put on quite a show <BR>You really had me goin' <BR>But now it's time to go <BR>Curtains finally closin' <BR>That was quite a show <BR>Very entertainin' <BR>But it's over now <BR>Go on and take a bow <BR><BR>And the award for the best liar goes to you <BR>For makin' me believe <BR>That you could be <BR>Faithful to me <BR>Let's hear your speech <BR>oh... <BR><BR>How bout a round of applause? <BR>Standin' ovation... <BR><BR>But you put on quite a show <BR>You really had me goin' <BR>But now it's time to go <BR>Curtains finally closin' <BR>That was quite a show <BR>Very entertainin' <BR>But it's over now <BR>Go on and take a bow <BR><BR>But it's over now... <IMG height=1 src="http://www.metrolyrics.com/images/l/2147468740.jpg" width=1></P>
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<P> </P> 好象有推荐过 一首很好听的歌~