年華無傚 发表于 2008-6-29 12:46:30

[06.28]Nas-I can

<P><BR>I know I can (I know I can)<BR>我知道我能(我知道我能)<BR>Be what I wanna be (be what I wanna be)<BR>成为理想的自己(成为理想的自己)<BR>If I work hard at it (If I work hard it)<BR>只要我不断追寻(只要我不断追寻)<BR>I\'ll be where I wanna be (I\'ll be where I wanna be)<BR>我就会到达梦想的彼岸(我就会到达梦想的彼岸)<BR><BR><BR>Be, B-Boys and girls, listen up<BR>现在,男孩女孩们,都听着<BR>You can be anything in the world, in God we trust<BR>在我们所信仰的上帝的普照之下,有志者事竟成 <BR>An architect, doctor, maybe an actress<BR>一个工程师,一个医生,也许是一名演员<BR><BR>But nothing comes easy it takes much practice<BR>但是没有什么伸手就能得到,只有你付出艰辛的努力<BR>Like, I met a woman who\'s becoming a star<BR>一如我所遇见的一个走在星光大道上的女人<BR>She was very beautiful, leaving people in awe<BR>她美丽得让所有人敬畏<BR>Singing songs, Lina Horn, but the younger version<BR>她所唱的歌曲一如当年的Lina Horn<BR>Hung with the wrong person<BR>但却沉溺于与人鬼混<BR>Got her strung on that heroin<BR>她吸毒上瘾不能自拔<BR>Cocaine, sniffing up drugs, all in her nose<BR>可卡因从不离手<BR>Coulda died, so young, now looks ugly and old<BR>如此年轻貌美却步步迈入死亡的深渊,现在她已是残花败柳<BR>No fun cause now when she reaches for hugs people hold they breath<BR>这可不是说笑,现在当她伸手索要拥抱的时候,人们都屏住呼吸不愿接受<BR>Cause she smells of corrosion and death<BR>只是因为她已经怀绕在死亡与腐败的气息之中 <BR>Watch the company you keep and the crowd you bring<BR>看看你的兄弟朋友及你身旁所有的人们<BR>Cause they came to do drugs and you came to sing<BR>他们来到人世却沉迷于毒品之中,而你却是为了歌唱而生的<BR>So if you gonna be the best, I\'ma tell you how<BR>所以如果你想成为最好,我来告诉你应该如何<BR>Put your hand in the air and take the vow<BR>高举你的双手,高呼这些誓言吧<BR>Nas<BR><BR>I know I can (I know I can)<BR>我知道我能(我知道我能)<BR>Be what I wanna be (be what I wanna be)<BR>成为理想的自己(成为理想的自己)<BR>If I work hard at it (If I work hard it)<BR>只要我不断追寻(只要我不断追寻)<BR>I\'ll be where I wanna be (I\'ll be where I wanna be)<BR>我就会到达梦想的彼岸(我就会到达梦想的彼岸)<BR><BR><BR>Be, B-Boys and girls, listen again<BR>男孩女孩们,继续听着<BR>This is for grown looking girls who\'s only ten<BR>这些献给那些看似成熟却只有10岁的女孩们<BR>The ones who watch videos and do what they see<BR>那些总是看电视并竭力效仿她们所见的女孩们<BR>As cute as can be, up in the club with fake ID<BR>绞尽脑汁将自己装扮得尽量可爱,用假证件混迹于酒吧之中,<BR>Careful, before you meet a man with HIV<BR>小心点,在你碰到某个感染艾滋病的男人之前<BR>You can host the TV like Oprah Winfrey<BR>你都有机会像Oprah Winfrey一样主持电视节目<BR>Whatever you decide, be careful, some men be<BR>不管你要决定什么,小心一点,有些男人正是<BR>Rapists, so act your age, don\'t pretend to be<BR>强 奸 犯,所以做和你的年龄相称的事情,不要假装成熟<BR>Older than you are, give yourself time to grow<BR>给自己一个成长的过程<BR>You thinking he can give you wealth, but so<BR>你以为他可以给你荣华富贵,<BR>Young boys, you can use a lot of help, you know<BR>但是一样太过年轻男孩怎么可能拿得出来,你知道你可以获得更多的帮助<BR>You thinkin life\'s all about smokin weed and ice<BR>你把生活的全部意义都放在吸食大麻和冰毒上<BR>You don\'t wanna be my age and can\'t read and write<BR>你不想到了我这个年级却仍旧一事无成<BR>Begging different women for a place to sleep at night<BR>每天晚上去向不同的女人讨一个住处<BR>Smart boys turn to men and do whatever they wish<BR>聪明的男孩子会变成真正的男人,然后去实现他们想做的一切<BR>If you believe you can achieve, then say it like this<BR>如果你相信你可以达成,那么像这样高喊吧<BR><BR><BR>Be, be, \'fore we came to this country<BR>在我们来到这个国度以前<BR>We were kings and queens, never porch monkeys<BR>我们都是国王王后,才不是仆人<BR>It was empires in Africa called Kush<BR>在非洲一个称作Kush的帝国<BR>Timbuktu, where every race came to get books<BR>每个种族的人都来Timbuktu寻求知识<BR>To learn from black teachers who taught Greeks and Romans<BR>从黑人老师那里学习希腊和罗马<BR>Asian Arabs and gave them gold when<BR>亚洲人还有阿拉伯人,给他们黄金<BR>Gold was converted to money it all changed<BR>当黄金可以换成金钱一切都改变了<BR>Money then became empowerment for Europeans<BR>此时金钱就给与了欧洲人操控所有的权利<BR>The Persian military invaded<BR>波斯的军队大举入侵<BR>They heard about the gold, the teachings and everything sacred<BR>他们听闻那些关于黄金和良好教育的事例,<BR>Africa was almost robbed naked<BR>所有非洲引以为豪的东西都被洗劫一空<BR>Slavery was money, so they began making slave ships<BR>奴隶可以换来金钱,于是他们开始一船一船地买卖奴隶<BR>Egypt was the place that Alexander the Great went<BR>埃及就是亚力山大所到之地<BR>He was a\'shocked at the mountains with black faces<BR>他镇静地发现所有的山上都充满了黑人的面孔<BR>Shot up they nose to impose what basically<BR>他们反抗所获得的强迫<BR>Still goes on today, you see?<BR>一如当下,不是吗<BR>If the truth is told, the youth can grow<BR>如果能够让更多人了解真实,那年轻人们应该可以真正成长<BR>They learn to survive until they gain control<BR>当他们懂得自我控制,他们就已经习得如何生存<BR>Nobody says you have to be gangstas, hoes<BR>没有人说你必须成为黑帮之类<BR>Read more learn more, change the globe<BR>多读多学,改变世界<BR>Ghetto children, do your thing<BR>贫民区的孩子们,作你们改做的事情<BR>Hold your head up, little man, you\'re a king<BR>抬起你的头颅,年轻的男人们,你们就是国王<BR>Young Princess when you get your wedding ring<BR>年轻的公主当你得到你结婚的戒指<BR>Your man is saying "She\'s my queen"<BR>你的男人正在歌唱:她是我的王后。<BR><BR><BR>Save the music y\'all, save the music y\'all<BR>来享受音乐,享受音乐吧<BR>Save the music y\'all, save the music y\'all<BR>来享受音乐,享受音乐吧<BR>Save the music<BR>请享受音乐吧 <A href="http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMjUwMjQ3Mg==/v" target=_blank><IMG onmousewheel="return bbimg(this)" height=16 alt=点击开新窗口欣赏该FLASH动画! src="http://hi.wuhan.net.cn/bbs/skins/default/filetype/swf.gif" width=16 onload="javascript:if(this.width>screen.width-50)this.style.width=screen.width-50;" border=0>[全屏欣赏]</A><BR>
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<P>纽约的Rap皇帝,Eninem的早期模仿对象,JAY-Z的死对头(应该是曾经的死对头),东岸的领军人物,被称做街头诗人的Nas。其作品I can早被认做是rap界的经典。 <BR><BR>有人说他是纽约之王,如果有两个选择的话,Nas绝对当之无愧,可是JAY-Z比他更会应付大众,就两人音乐实力来说的话,个人认为NAS在JAY-Z之上的,但一综合,两人就各占半壁江山,统治着近几年的New York City。<BR><BR>这首《I can》由童声说唱+《天鹅湖》背景音乐+NAS的流利rap,没有烦躁的节奏和含糊的语言。</P>
<P>http://www.chsdrillteam.com/Music/2003_04/I%20Know%20I%20Can.mp3 <BR></P>

ldyqz2003 发表于 2008-6-30 23:03:39

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