idc 发表于 2008-10-1 14:14:37

Take me home

<DIV align=center><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Comic Sans MS"><FONT size=3><FONT face=Impact><FONT color=magenta><SPAN style="COLOR: #eee8cd"><FONT color=magenta>Mercury Rev 总在我们想象力之外的魔幻境域之中<BR></FONT><FONT color=sandybrown>在梦境一般的甜美里 通往天堂之门依然紧闭<BR>企图穿越Mercury Rev声音花园的人总是以永远的失败而告终<BR><BR>从古至今、在摇滚乐史上,我们知道总有许多伟大的乐团,矗立在万神殿上、接受千万的的乐迷顶礼膜拜。摇滚乐中,确实是不乏许多可供凭吊的英雄事迹、与一张张值得永藏的经典杰作。然而,若是提到Mercury Rev奇特的组团历程、与那宛如一长途冒险的种种诡异传奇事迹后;那么,放眼乐坛,就似乎没有太多乐团可以相比拟了。特别是当他们在1998年,完成了Deserter‘s Songs这一完美的现代经典后;所有团员间的冲突、混乱、与爱恨悲喜,都在专辑里得到最后的救赎与完结。因为Deserter‘s Songs所标示的,不仅是他们历年来最卓越的成就、同时也竖立了新迷幻乐派(Neo-psychedelia)的最新里程碑。<BR><BR>Goddess On A Highway <BR><BR>偏快的节奏和带很重英式唱腔的和声,背景音乐加入了迷离的电音,激烈却不轻浮,忧郁却不颓废,优美却不卖弄。温暖的弦乐在这首曲子里起了相当大的作用,凡是高潮部分和高潮之后的过度都用了相当华丽的弦乐,表达的是一种期待,也包括对未来的希望。</FONT></SPAN></FONT><FONT color=sandybrown> </FONT></FONT></FONT></SPAN></DIV><BR><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Comic Sans MS"><SPAN style="COLOR: #eee8cd">
<DIV align=center><FONT face=Impact color=orange size=3>well, I got us on a highway and I got us in a car <BR>got us going faster than we've ever gone before <BR>I got us on a highway and I got us in a car <BR>got us going faster than we've ever gone before <BR>and I know it ain't gonna last <BR>and I know it ain't gonna last <BR>when I see your eyes arrive <BR>they explode like two bugs on glass <BR>far above the ocean, deep under the sea <BR>there's a river running dry because of you and me <BR>far above the ocean, deep under the sea <BR>there's a river running dry because of you and me <BR>and I know it ain't gonna last <BR>and I know it ain't gonna last <BR>when I see your eyes arrive <BR>they explode like two bugs on glass <BR>she's a goddess on a highway, a goddess in a car <BR>a goddess going faster than she's ever gone before <BR>she's a goddess on a highway, a goddess in a car <BR>a goddess going faster than she's ever gone before <BR>and I know it ain't gonna last <BR>and I know it ain't gonna last <BR>when I see your eyes arrive <BR>they explode like two bugs on glass <BR>and I know it ain't gonna last ... <BR>it ain't gonna last ...</FONT></DIV></SPAN></SPAN><BR>
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<DIV align=center><A href="" target=_blank><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Comic Sans MS"><SPAN style="COLOR: #eee8cd"><FONT face=Impact color=orange size=3>Take me home</FONT></SPAN></SPAN></A></DIV><!--IBF.ATTACHMENT_480168--><!-- THE POST -->

完美的神 发表于 2008-10-1 19:33:50

64~~ 听不到音乐啊,我的烂网络, 没救了

KK07 发表于 2008-10-2 21:15:16

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