数据文件恢复软件,可以恢复包括文本文档、图像文件、音乐和视频文件、以及删除的zip文件,可以以扇区的方式扫描硬盘。支持的格式包括:mpegpdf pmd png ppt pst pub rar rtf sdr tar txt tiff viso wav wmf wpd xls zdp zip asf avi bmp csv doc dbx dwg gif gzip html jpeg mdb mov mp3,并且可以进行恢复预览。
Data File Recovery Software can recover files, including text, image files, music and video documents. and to delete the zip documents to be scanned each sector of the hard disk. Support for the format include : mpegpdf pmd png ppt pst pub rar txt rtf sdr tar tiff viso wav wmf wpd Excel csv doc zdp zip asf avi BMP gzip html retrieval mdb Rómov dbx dwg gif mp3 in Courseware Facture. Preview and can be restored. 临渊享鱼下载