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[单曲] Phil Coulter -- The Town I Loved So Well

发表于 2008-11-7 16:46:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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Phil Coulter -- The Town I Loved So Well

In my memory I will always see
The town that I have loved so well
Where our school played ball by the gasyard wall
And we laughed through the smoke and the smell
Going home in the rain, running up the dark lane
Past the jail and down behind the fountain
Those were happy days in so many many ways
In the town I loved so well

In the early morning the shirt factory horn
Called women from Creggan, the moor and the bog
While the men on the dole played a mother's role
Fed the children and then trained the dog
And when times got tough there was just about enough
But they saw it through without complaining
For deep inside was a burning pride
In the town I loved so well

There was music there in the Derry air
Like a language that we all could understand
I remember the day that I earned my first pay
When I played in a small pick-up band
There I spent my youth and to tell you the truth
I was sad to leave it all behind me
For I'd learned about life and I found a wife
In the town I loved so well

But when I returned how my eyes have burned
To see how a town could be brought to its knees
By the armoured cars and the bombed-out bars
And the gas that hangs on to every breeze
Now the army's installed by that old gasyard wall
And the damned barbed wire gets higher and higher
With their tanks and their guns, oh my God what have they done
To the town I loved so well

Now the music's gone but they carry on
For their spirit's been bruised, never broken
They will not forget but their hearts are set
On tomorrow and peace once again
For what's done is done and what's won is won
And what's lost is lost and gone forever
I can only pray for a bright brand-new day
In the town I loved so well

Phil Coulter(菲尔.柯尔特)1942年2月19日出生在Derry在北爱尔兰长大,那时候正是第2次世界大战。从小的时候家里最值钱的东块就是 Challen 钢琴,所以那时候我们的房子总是充满音乐,父亲拉小提琴母亲弹钢琴,虽然他们演奏的并不是最好,音乐无时无刻飘扬在家中的每一角落。他的音乐源自於对家乡的热情,在菲尔家,音乐是灵活的,任何时刻都可举办宴会的心情。於是父亲演奏著小提琴,母亲弹奏钢琴之唯美构图里,音乐无时无刻飘扬在家中的每一角落。尽管在菲尔往後的日子里,尝尽生命中挚爱亲人相继离他远去的哀痛,他仍乐观的体验著"生命中的某种失去并非决然,其实在你灵魂深处仍著实存在著。

  即使钢琴并非爱尔兰音乐的传统的乐器,但琴声中我们依然能听出浓浓的爱尔兰情调,那一种复杂又单纯的美感……这是生命完美无缺的体验,品味着Phil Coulter的音乐,仿佛置身绚烂的音乐花园,与仙子嘻戏,与自然拥吻。亲力亲为的是天地的恩赐,是大地母亲的关怀。此时寂静的夜幕中,舒解一天的疲惫,倾心聆听、慵懒品味,总有一种感动涌上心头。洋洋洒洒的文字也便跃然纸上,奔腾的思绪汩汩汇成细流涓涓流泻,流畅的旋律,动情的音符,徜徉的使人酥软,早春的气息,晨雾的恬静,还有牧野的嫩绿,疏忽钻入心脾,就在耳边,亲近于心,就在脑际,迷乱于魂。感悟于妙不可言的音觉,沉醉于蹁跹的语舞。

  踏过无数的路径我是永不停歇的旅人,绚丽的梦想花园非我驻足,理由除非是在某个永恒的时空里与烙印心海的绿野无限邂逅。舞台上绽放著的永恒光芒在爱尔兰享誉名声的菲尔柯尔特(Phil Coulter),无论在制作、曲子创作或表演上,皆创下无数的专辑及百万销售量,并在全美广受欢迎。无法仿效的钢琴演奏方式,绚烂的演出,荣获至少6项白金成绩,连美国总统柯林顿都亲自为菲尔祝贺。他同时与当红爱尔兰女歌手Van Morrison合作无数,在她眼中的菲尔是相当有才气,其音乐为表演者竖立一种无可抹灭的典范。

  The Town I Loved So Well ,舒缓的旋律,一个温情款款的男人,一群活泼可爱的孩子,一个宁静祥和的小镇。音乐像清泉一样淌过心底,让这个清冷的季节感到一丝温暖……The Town ~I Loved So Well……

  Phil Coulter(菲尔柯尔特)是爱尔兰知名乐人,他的音乐充满了优美典雅及抒情畅快的旋律,将好听的爱尔兰民谣曲融入了钢琴及管弦乐当中。菲尔柯尔特(Phil Coulter)的音乐源自于对家乡的热情,在Phil家,音乐是灵活的,任何时刻都可以是举办宴会的心情,于是在父亲演奏着小提琴,而母亲弹奏钢琴之唯美构图里,音乐无时无刻飘扬在家中的每一角落。尽管在Phil往后的日子里,尝尽生命中挚爱亲人相继离他远去的哀痛,他仍乐观的体验着“生命中的某种失去并非决然,其实在你灵魂深处仍着实存在着。”
[ 本帖最后由 idc 于 2008-11-7 16:53 编辑 ]




发表于 2008-11-10 19:00:26 | 显示全部楼层
“生命中的某种失去并非决然,其实在你灵魂深处仍着实存在着。”.... 这句话说的真好
人总是在失去一样东西的时候, 得到另外一样东西, 这就是人生.
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