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[单曲] mandy

发表于 2008-11-27 23:59:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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I remember all my life
raining down as cold as ice.
Shadows of a man,
a face through a window cryin' in the night,
the night goes into

Morning just another day;
happy people pass my way.
Looking in their eyes,
I see a memory I never realized
how happy you made me.

Oh Mandy well,
you came and you gave without taking,
but I sent you away.
Oh, Mandy well,
kissed me and stopped me from shaking,
and I need you today. Oh, Mandy!

I'm standing on the edge of time;
I've walked away when love was mine.
Caught up in a world of uphill climbing,
the tears are in my mind
and nothin' in rhyming.

Oh Mandy well,
you came and you gave without taking,
but I sent you away.
Oh, Mandy well,
kissed me and stopped me from shaking,
and I need you today. Oh, Mandy!

就销售成绩与歌唱生涯的长度而言,Barry Manilow无疑是流行音乐史上最成功的抒情歌手之一。尽管他在事业颠峰时期也不曾受到乐评人青睐,但这位向来以歌艺与创作才华征服乐迷的抒情天王,在七○年代后半与八○年代初期仍旧创下五千八百万张的唱片销售量,并接连炮制出25首前40名单曲,其中更有13首曾经登上成人抒情榜的冠军位置。八○年代后期,Manilow在褪去畅销歌手的光环与压力后,转而诠释起自己深爱的爵士、摇摆、流行经典与百老汇音乐剧,并持续推出作品至今,然而他受欢迎的程度似乎不曾稍减,因为2002年春推出的精选大碟《Ultimate Manilow》,进榜首周即直冲告示牌排行季军位置,甚至还称霸网路销售排行冠军,教人不得不赞叹这位乐坛常青树历久弥新的声音魅力。

  1976年至1980年,他以冠军曲“I Write The Songs”、“Looks Like We Made It”和“This One's For You”、“Weekend In New England”、“Can't Smile Without You”、“Copacabana”、“Somewhere in the Night”、“Ships”、“I Made It Through the Rain”等单曲陆续攻陷排行前十名,1977年他甚至还在葛莱美奖与全美音乐奖之外,赢得了首座电视艾美奖,足见他横跨各个领域的杰出才华。他柔美的歌声与炉火纯青的唱腔却更为乐迷们所肯定,因为聆听Barry Manilow的音乐就如同咀嚼美好的回忆,越是经过时间的沈淀,越能感受到他音乐中永恒的纯真与浪漫。

发表于 2008-11-28 08:22:37 | 显示全部楼层
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