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[单曲] Best of me

发表于 2008-12-9 23:58:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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Best of me

i wasn't mean the wrong way
won't you do me the right way
where you gonna be tonight
coz i won't stay too long
maybe you're the light for me
when you talk to me it strikes me
won't somebody help me
coz i don't feel too strong
was there something that i said
was there something that i did
or the combination i broke that did me have
you know i'm hoping you sing alone
though it's not your favorite song
don't wanna be the wind just nothing left to say

you know that someone those spin again
when you do you need a friend
don't wanna be the wind just nothing left for me
and i hate the thought finally been erased
baby that's the best of me

everything's behind you
but the whole place i sit besides you
living in the moment
have i wasted all your time
was there something that i said
was there something that i did
or the combination i broke that did me have

you know i'm hoping you sing alone
though it's not your favorite song
don't wanna be the wind just nothing left to say
you know that someone those spin again
when you do you need a friend
don't wanna be the wind just nothing left for me
and i hate the thought finally been erased
baby that's the best of me
baby that's the best of me

you know i'm hoping you sing alone
though it's not your favorite song
don't wanna be the wind just nothing left to say
you know that someone those spin again
when you do you need a friend
don't wanna be the wind just nothing left for me
and i hate the thought finally been erased
baby that's the best of me

1971年2月25日,Daniel Powter出生于加拿大不列颠哥伦布省的Okanagan Valley地区。在仅四岁的时候,Daniel Powter就开始在母亲的钢琴伴奏下学习练习小提琴。天资聪慧,进步神速的Daniel Powter不久之后就可以在学校举办的活动中演出,但这同时也招来了他一些同学的嫉妒。在有一次提着小提琴经过学校操场的时,Daniel Powter受到了一群人的围攻,这次事件严重打击了Daniel Powter对音乐的热情。因为患有诵读困难症,Daniel Powter还遭到了老师的侮辱,而在这之后,Daniel Powter再也没有碰过小提琴。

  再次勾起Daniel Powter音乐热情的是家中父母收藏的The Beatles和Fleetwood Mac乐队的唱片,而杜兰·杜兰(Duran Duran)和王子(Prince)的音乐更是能令他感动。被这些丰富的音乐所打动的Daniel Powter开始试着学习弹钢琴,而他也一下就被这种“能够同时奏出多种音色”的乐器所着迷。依靠每天如痴如醉的练习,Daniel Powter的钢琴技艺进步神速,但直到临近中学毕业,Daniel Powter才和他的乐队首次演出。在由于诵读困难而辍学两年之后,Daniel Powter自己选择上了Edmonton的Grant MacEwan学院学习音乐。在搬到温哥华之后,Daniel Powter结识了音乐道路上一位真正的伙伴杰夫·多森(Jeff Dawson)。志同道合的两人合作创作了多首歌曲并开始了和诸多热爱音乐的年轻人同样的工作:自费录制小样,到唱片公司自荐。在经历了漫长的等待之后,Daniel Powter终于得到Warner Bros公司主席Tom Whalley的赏识而成功签约。

  人们最早认识Daniel Powter就是从“Bad Day”开始的,这首歌曾被可口可乐选为广告宣传曲,之后Daniel Powter的星途就开始大放光芒,一连攀上多个排行榜,在欧洲大行其道,成了各大电台热播的单曲。不过Daniel Powter真正引起世人关注还是在2005年7月2日德国柏林LIVE8演唱会上,在那场打着拯救贫穷旗号的豪门盛宴上,Daniel Powter第一次在全世界面前自弹自唱,那一天再次成了Daniel的“Best Day”。


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