I’m dreaming but I’m wide awake All my life I have been searching Now I see – all you mean to me Since you came into my life
Darkness fades, grows into day When the two of us depart
I see you shining in my life I hear you whisper in the night I know you’ll always understand So I’ll give you my heart
A lonely child, in an unknown world I was lost but now I’m found You reach for me, when it’s hard to see And you help me find my way
Darkness fades, in the new born day When the two of us depart
I see you shining in my life I hear you whisper in the night I know you’ll always understand So I’ll give you my heart
Now winter is over The frost has gone away My heart’s like a flower Reaching for the light of day
来自挪威的超级团体“Floweryard 梦幻花园”,是由三位美丽、才华出众的挪威女歌手所共同组成。首张专辑“Morning Mist 浪漫晨曦”一上市,立即席卷全欧,并造成空前轰动。清丽脱俗的北国音符伴随着悦耳动人的空心吉他,浓烈优雅的苏格兰风笛搭配上生动自然的异国节拍,加上那气势磅礴、荡气回肠的管弦和声,交织构筑出一幅色彩诱人、如梦似幻的美丽音画。
Secret Garden幕后成员Rolf Graf全力打造的组合Floweryard,这是真正的“挪威森林”的声音。即使是在城市的荒漠的生活中,Floweryard的歌也能提供一片绿洲,有如夜莺般美妙,白日梦似的缥缈。想象温暖的阳光撒在身上,享受着自然的日光浴,透过花朵的美丽和方向,Floweryard的3位仙女用自然的光彩织出了一幅令人惊羡的图画。在Celtic音乐的激荡下Floweryard创造出了一个诗一般的音乐港湾,港湾周围有神秘的冰河,湍急的瀑布和生机勃勃的森林。就象树木沐浴在温暖的夏日阳光下,在微风中轻摆,海鸥优雅地滑翔,Floweryard带给我们的就是这种生活的气息。