Modest Mouse是一支拥有平常心的绅士乐队。没有露骨的愤怒,优美的旋律和漫不经心的嗓音下,Modest Mouse几乎天真地用嘲讽的话语和深层的处世哲学阐述着非常摇滚的内容。并不是任何人都愿意用直白的态度来表明立场,而这正是Modest Mouse的风格
Modest Mouse本身具有一种天生的亲和力,简单的音乐中融合着其它许多类型的音乐,从Post-Fugazi的Emo-core到Pixies和 Pavement甚至早期的Talking Heads。Pixies的歌曲结构一直是乐队的主要特点,还有非常少的爆发片段都非常像Pixies,总体听起来又有些像轻型的Pavement。除去上述较明确的音乐影响外,Modest Mouse本身其实就是一个怪胎,60年代的节奏布鲁斯和新浪潮的No Wave之声竟然会被融合在一起,用管弦乐模式作为内在驱动力,这还不算“犹抱琵琶半遮面”的生涩Solo(其实这也是故意的
Modest Mouse这种风格在同时期的摇滚乐队中是极为罕见的,究其原因,Modest Mouse流行/摇滚的独立姿态并不是刻意追求一贯的DIY精神,音乐细致富有张力,在足够的空间感下形式紧凑,表现方法随意又不失谨慎严密。可以说,他们的音乐体现了摇滚的另一种境界,也可以说是一种极端——纯粹的唯美主义。任何极端总是有一定的弊端,“不够摇滚”于是就成为了Modest Mouse最大的缺点(这恐怕还是我一厢情愿的主观臆断,也可以说是不良习惯)。历史上不够“摇滚”却摇得厉害的乐队不胜枚举,Jimi Hendrix、Rush、Pink Floyd、R.E.M.……审美标准的不同的结果在此时就非常明显了,Modest Mouse的评语中绝对没有一丝一毫“重量”感,却稳稳地和Ween一起占据着校园排行榜
Well, it would've been, could've been worse than you would ever know. Oh, the dashboard melted, but we still have the radio. Oh, it should've been, could've been worse than you would ever know. Well, you told me about nowhere well it sounds like someplace I'd like to go. Oh, it could've been, should've been worse than you would ever know. Well, the windshield was broken but I love the fresh air you know. (The dashboard melted but we still have the radio) Oh, it would've been, could've been worse than you would ever know, oh! (The dashboard melted but we still have the radio) Oh, we talked about nothing which was more than I wanted you to know-oh-oh-oh-oh. Now here we go! Oh! It would've been, could've been worse than it had even gone Well, the car was on blocks, but I was already where I want. (It was impossible, we ran it good, we ran it good) Why should we ever even ever really even get to know? (It was impossible, we ran it good, we ran it good) Oh if the world don't like us it'll shake us just like we were a co-oh-oh-oh-old. Now here we go! Well we scheme and we scheme but we always blow it We've yet to crash, but we still might as well tow it Standing at a light switch to each east and west horizon, Every dawn you're surprising, and in the evening one's consoling Saying "See it wasn't quite as bad as" Well, it would've been, could've been worse than you would ever know. I was patiently erasing and recording the wrong episodes After you had proved my point wrong, It wasn't like I'd let it go, oh-oh-oh. Oh-oh-oh. I just wanted to catch the last laugh of this show. Yeah, it would've been, could've been worse than you would ever know. Oh, the dashboard melted, but we still have the radio. (The dashboard melted, but we ran it good, we ran it good) Hard-wired to conceive, so much we'd have to stow it Even needs have needs, tiny giants made of tinier giants. Don't wear eyelids so I don't miss the last laugh of this show. (The dashboard melted but we still have the radio) Oh, we could've been, should've been worse than you would ever know. (The dashboard melted but we still have the radio) Well, you told me about nowhere well it sounds like someplace I'd like to go-oh-oh-oh-oh. Now here we go! Well we scheme and we scheme but we always blow it We've yet to crash, but we still might as well tow it Standing at a light switch to each east and west horizon, Every dawn you're surprising, and in the evening one's consoling Saying "See it wasn't quite as bad as" Oh it would've been, could've been worse than you would ever know. |