All the birds sing words
And the flowers croon
In the tiki tiki tiki tiki tiki room
Welcome to our tropical hideaway
You lucky people, you
If we weren't in the show starting right away
We'd be in the audience too
In the tiki tiki tiki tiki tiki room
In the tiki tiki tiki tiki tiki room
All the birds sing words
And the flowers croon
In the tiki tiki tiki tiki tiki room (repeat)
The bird Paradise is an elegant bird
He loves to be seen and it loves to be heard
Most little birdies will fly away
But the tiki room birds are here everyday
In the tiki tiki tiki tiki tiki room
In the tiki tiki tiki tiki tiki room
All the birds sing words
And the flowers croon
At the tiki tiki tiki tiki tiki room (repeat)
Da da da da da da da
We're singing in the tiki room
Da da da da da da da
Crooning in the tiki room (repeat)
The show is delightful
We hope you'll agree
We hope that it fills you with pleasure and glee
Because if we don't make you feel like that
We gonna wind up on a lady's hat
In the tiki tiki tiki tiki tiki room
In the tiki tiki tiki tiki tiki room
All the birds sing words
And the flowers croon
In the tiki tiki tiki tiki tiki room (repeat)
Da da da da da da da
We're singing in the tiki room
Da da da da da da da
Crooning in the tiki room (repeat)

歌曲是电影《Disneyland》的插曲,是迪斯尼经典插曲之一,Duff也是翻唱的。Duff为迪士尼的第一张《Disneymania》专辑演唱了《The Tiki Room》,这也是Duff2007新专辑《unlimited》中的一首单曲。2001年Duff主演迪士尼频道的影集《莉琪的异想世界 Lizzie McGuire》,成为全球青少年心目中最优质的甜美偶像。此后,她加强对个人风格与音乐的探索,展露时尚风情,音乐更偏重舞曲节奏与动感走向。《The Tiki Room》歌曲节奏欢快,Hilary Duff用甜美的声音将它演唱得很生动,让人一听马上就有了好心情。
01. Now You Know
02. Crash World
03. Break My Heart
04. (I’ll Give) Anything But Up
05. The Tiki Room
06. I Can't Wait
07. My Generation
08. The Siamese Cat Song (feat. Haylie Duff)
09. Supergirl
10. A Day in the Sun
11. Material Girl (feat. Haylie Duff)
12. Who's That Girl (Acoustic Version)
13. Play With Fire (Vada Remix)
14. I Can't Wait (Dance Mix)
◆全名:Hilary Erhard Duff 出生后改名为Hilary Ann Duff
◆诞生地:休斯敦, 得克萨斯州
◆学历:哈佛大学网上课程 |